Monday, October 17, 2011

CoMMuniCation SeriEs In ReaLism

 Sketch # 1 
Family Communication
Good communication is not something that just happens between member of strong families; they make it happen

Sketch # 2
Human-Animal Communication
A young boy communicate with the eagle as entertainment

Sketch # 3 
Human-Animal Communication
Cow Shepard 

Sketch # 4 
Human Communication
A young man is using music to express his love to that old woman

Sketch # 5
Human Communication
A caring mother is giving breastfeeding to the infant

 Sketch # 6
Human Communication
Mother's scolding her son with the facial expression and hand movement

 Sketch # 7
Animal Communication
Two deer using gesture to display distinctive movement and showing aggressive signal

Sketch # 8
Human Communication
A young boy is using canning to communicate in an old way style

 Sketch # 9
Human Communication
Using the gesture pose to show a respect to own belief and religion

 Sketch # 10
Human Communication
Play mahjong as an entertainment to communicate with each other

 Sketch # 11
Human Communication
Vocalization and facial expressive are showing to the infant 

Sketch # 12
Human Communication
Playing chess to communicate with the player in other position

 Sketch # 13
Human Communication
Using music instrument to express the love and meaningful tone through the sound

Sketch # 14
Human Communication
Young girl & young boy showing friendly in facial expression

 Sketch # 15
Human Communication
Many children are playing together and understand the rule through the communication

 Sketch # 16
Human Communication
Caring is showing through the gesture between two of the women

Sketch # 17
Human Communication
The young man feel lost in the big city and want to find out the location

Sketch # 18
Human Communication
Using body communication with the customers in the restaurant

From this 18 sketches, I realize there is quite important for us to know that how does color can make the picture more sharp and impression. Besides that, there is require a lot of creativity and imaginative thought to generate the idea to draw a sketches. Firstly, I do not know anything about communication series but I do know a lot of different communication style such as family communication, animal communication, and human communication after I had explored form the websites. Color and drawing skill are playing an major role in this section because it require a lot of work to coordinate the eye and hand movement to complete the task-oriented however I learned a lot of way to apply the color.