Monday, September 19, 2011

Design Project Part 1: Research & Reference

Realism (1850-1880) 

 The Black Bull 1822-1899, a painting by Rosa Bonheur

Roe Deer , 1860

Ploughing in Nivernais, 1849
Rosa Bonheur

Realism Is.....
  1. Portray the lives, culture, problems, appearance and more of the middle classes expectation.
  2. Subject of the artist is shown in a realistic manner
  3. Show the nature truth of realistic manner 
  4. Sometimes call " Naturalism"
Sheep in the Highlands, details with sheep grazing
 Rosa Bonheur, Sheep in the Highlands, 1857
Wallace Collection, London

The Highland Shepherd, 1859

Element of Design

  1. Line as value:Create areas of darker shading inside drawing, called area of value, can give a more three-dimensional feeling of a subject.
  2. Shapes:Used the organic shapes which are unpredictable, free-form and following in appearance.
  3. Direction:Horizontal used in calmness, stability and tranquility.  
  4. Size:Dominant shape appeared. Creating a little tension between the sheep.
  5. Color:Compound color was shown in drawing that is containing natural color.
  6. Texture:Visual texture because the surface shows smooth.
  7. Tone:The band of dark tone was appear. 
 Rosa Bonheur French, 1822-1899
The Horse Fair, ca. 1852
Oil on Canvas, 10 1/2 x 25"
Elisabeth H. Gates Fund, 1927

 Weaning the Calves, Oil Painting, 1879

The Return From The Harvest

Principle of Design:
  1. Contrast:Amplify some design element, large shape make it larger and small shape make it smaller.
  2. Harmony:Artists keeps the area of contrast smaller than the harmony and emphasizing a focus point.
  3. Balance:Informal balance allowing much more freedom and expressing.
  4. Repetition:Repetition was used to draw the sheep. 
  5. Dominant: The dominant was shown by the 3 differences line which are vertical, horizontal, and oblique straight line.
  6. Gradation:Add interest and movement to the subject.
  7. Unity:Making the picture much easier to read.

Marie-Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899)

  1. Called Rosa Bonheur
  2. French realist painter & sculptor
  3. Born at Bordeaux, 1822
  4. Influenced by the English animal painter Sir Edwin Henry Landseer
  5. "Horse Ploughing At the Nivernais"
  6. The most famous woman artist of her time
  7. Died at the age of 77
I have learn from this design project part one is know the different principles of design and design element. There are huge of the knowledge in the design field and these project make me know my interested in art movement which is romanticism and realism. I should more the differences element in the art movement and gain more information from different website. There is not much thing I can change :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

My First Masterpiece

My Very First Masterpiece ...

This is how I edit the photo step by step:
1.Choose a photo from my Facebook
2.Use the clone stamp tool to remove the subject in the photo
3.Pressing the Alt and the right click from the mouse to choose the area I want to paint of
4.Paint the area in the photo that I want to remove the subject
5.Click the Poster edges from the filter and adjust the photo color
6.Go to adjustments from the image and open the brightness/contrast
7.Brightness adds more 23 and contrast turn to negative 5
8.Open the liquefy to adjudge my hand and leg to make it looks bigger :)

What I had learn from this is use the Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Lite-Portable to change and edit my own photo. The strength of this project is use the software which was given by my classmate Lu Yi and Reuben Liu. There is many tools I can use in the software to edit the part I do not like in the photo such as the unwanted subject in the photo. The work I have to do is try to learn all the tools in the software and watch as much as the video posted by other people in YouTube website. It provided clearly description and  the example of how they edit the photo step by step. I will try to practice more in using the clone stamp because it is hard to using to paint it on the unwanted subject.

WeLcome To mY wOrLd !

Wilson Pang Wee Loon
Age: 20+
Bachelor Of Psychology
First Year Third Semester

HeY Folks, this is the first time I have created a blog in and it is also my first assignments of introduction to design courses. The purpose I am taking HAA 102 subject because it is full of challenges and it is without any examination. From now on, I would like share all of my personal interest, aspiration and dream to you guys. This is what old people say:” Sharing is caring”. Am I right, Sir? I would like to introduce myself here... My name is Wilson Pang and I am 20+. I don’t feel like speaking to others with English because my English is poor… Except mandarin ;):)

My Interest Is….

1.I am having an open water diving license because I enjoy every single moment that I am diving in the sea and fishes are just around me. 

2.I love the feeling of alone that’s why I am planning to get a big bike license to go everywhere I want to.

3.I wish I could fly in the sky with birds but I am not allowed to get a pilot license due to my family’s financial problem.

4.To live in nature environment that we can’t have in the busy town nowadays, I always camping with my friends to have some fresh air.

My Aspiration…I . I.. I… I… I want be a “billionaire”.  That is also what old people say:” Money can make the evil push your grind stone.’ I believe that money could do everything we need and save the people or give them what they need.  I can do what I want without any financial problem. In fact, we do know that dream does not mean everything because money will be a part of the resources in our life and it might change our mind to relinquish our dream. In other way, you can do whatever you want and fulfill your dream if you are rich or without any financial problem.

I Have a Dream...I am adult who are legal to do what I want without any permission from parents or guardian. It is not good at all because base on this age I should come out to work to start my own business.  However, I have a Dream! I want to be a psychologist! To save people who are facing illness or difficulty. It is well known that psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process. It is quite interesting for me to know more about human being. In this 21 century, people just think about their standard of living and quality of life; therefore, their lifestyle is full of problem and do not want to find a solution to resolve their own problem. Furthermore, I am a good listener and adore talking with people in any circumstance. For this reason, I can share all the information from psychology field to help people who are needed and everywhere. I will try my best to achieve my goal even though it’s hard to me. As what I said:” Life is never easy for those who dream”.  Some people never fulfill their dream because they always dreaming but never doing anything.

In this first assignment, I had learn how to use my email account to create a blog in blogspot website. I tried to examine other people's blog and took their idea to edit my blog. It is quite interesting for me because I never put my personal information or diary in internet. What I had learned from this first project in HAA 102 was the technique to edit my blog and the words I never use before. The part I have to work harder is to improve my English because I am poor in using grammar. I will try to learn more technique to make my blog more interested in short and sweet.