Saturday, November 19, 2011

Design Project Part 3: Execution & Craftsmanship

Design Project Part 3 : Execution & Craftsmanship 

Family Sketches Edit Steps

Tools were used:

Rectangular Tool
Brightness/ Contrast 
Eye Dropper
Art History Brush Tool 
Auto Contrast

Open Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1. Click the new file and set the Width to 16 inches, Height to 20 inches, and Resolution to 200 pixels/ inches.

Opened the image from the files and use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to move the image. Change the size of image by using Free Transform ( Ctrl + T )

Open the Brightness/ Contrast from the adjustments to adjudge the brightness/ contrast from the original sketches. 
Brightness: -26
Contrast: +38

Choosing the favorite color from the original sketches by using the Eye Dropper Tool. 

Use the Art History Brush Tool and adjudge the size to 68 px and Soft Round mode

Use the Auto Contrast to adjudge image

Open the Exposure
Exposure: +0.03
Offset: +0.06333
Gramma Correction: + 0.59

Opened the image from the files and use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to move the image. Change the size of image by using Free Transform ( Ctrl + T )

Using the Eraser Tool to remove the background color on the object wanted


Boyz Sketches Edit Steps

Tools were used:

Rectangular Tool
Brightness/ Contrast 
Eye Dropper
History Brush Tool
Flat Blunt Short Stiff    Flat Curve Thin Stiff Bristles 

Open Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1. Click the new file and set the Width to 16 inches, Height to 20 inches, and Resolution to 200 pixels/ inches.

Opened the image from the files and use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to move the image. Change the size of image by using Free Transform ( Ctrl + T ) 

Open the Brightness/ Contrast from the adjustments to adjudge the brightness/ contrast from the original sketches. 
Brightness: -54
Contrast: +98

Choosing the favorite color from the original sketches by using the Eye Dropper Tool.

Use the History Brush Tool
   Flat Blunt Short Stiff   69px
   Flat Curve Thin Stiff Bristles   52px

Open the Image > Adjustments > Variation : More Blue  

Open the Exposures
Exposure: +0.14
Offset: +0.1204
Gramma Correction: + 0.21

 Take an Image background from the website and Open it into the a new file

 Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to move the image. Change the size of image by using Free Transform (Ctrl + T )

Create an New Later in this current file

Using the Eraser Tool to remove the background color on the object wanted


Chess Sketches Edit Steps

Tools were used:

Rectangular Tool
Brightness/ Contrast 
History Brush Tool
Art History Brush Tool 
Burn Tool
Dodge Tool
Level Style
Shadow/ Highlights

Open Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1. Click the new file and set the Width to 16 inches, Height to 20 inches, and Resolution to 200 pixels/ inches.

Opened the image from the files and use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to move the image. Change the size of image by using Free Transform ( Ctrl + T ) 

Open the Brightness/ Contrast from the adjustments to adjudge the brightness/ contrast from the original sketches. 
Brightness: +10
Contrast: -50

Open the History Brush Tool to paint the area in image and using the Art History Brush
Soft Round   39px

Burn Tool & Dodge Tool make the effect on the clothes and shoes

Open the Image > Adjustments > level Style 
Output Levels:  13

Adjudge the Shadows/ Highlights > Shadows 
Amount + 50%

Open the Image > Adjustments > Variation : More Green
                                                   > Curve : Output, 160  /  Input : 129

Exposure: + 0.08
Gamma Correction: 1.17

Using the Eraser Tool to remove the background color on the object wanted


In my artwork, I did not edit much on my photo because of want to keep my artwork in originality. Basically, I had learn to use different tools to make my artwork looks more attractive and I should have learn more other tool edit it; however, I feels not much comfortable on my artwork because it is almost like a printer to print all the picture we had in website resources. On the other hand, I had learn a lot of way to use the tools just like my classmate in intro to design class.    

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